Today, we’ll look at just the last 5 tricks from a hand I played
recently. By the end of the
hand both the East player and the South player (declarer) knew what the other
held based on the previous play. The contract is 4 diamonds, doubled. South
needs to take 2 more tricks to make the contract. Conversely, East needs to
take 4 of the last 5 tricks to set the contract. South is on lead. North and
West will be discarding on every trick. Their play doesn’t matter.
West ♥ - ♦ KJT ♣ - | |
South |
Before reading on, think about how South should play for the
best chance to take 2 more tricks. Then, think about how West should play for
the best chance to take 4 more tricks. Whose chances do you like better?
…<Think now>…
If South leads a small trump, West will take it with the
ten, pull the Q of trump with the K and take the rest of the tricks. Clearly,
that isn’t a good play. Leading the Q of trump is no better. West will take the
K, pull the last trump and take the rest. That leaves a club lead as the only reasonable
choice for South.
Now, what should West do? If West discards a spade on the
club, South will continue leading clubs until West is forced to ruff. That
leaves West with the KJ of trumps and South with the Q2. They each get one more
trick. West only gets 2 tricks, but needs 4. That’s no good. West must ruff the
club. Now, what does West lead back?
It actually doesn’t matter. The key play was to ruff the
first club. Now, West can lead a spade and if South refuses to ruff, West takes
the spades and cashes the K of trump to set the contract. If South ruffs, she
is left with just the singleton Q of trumps. West can ruff the club return,
pull the last trump and cash his spades.
Leading a trump works, also. West can cash the K of trump
and return a trump to the Q. Then, he ruffs the club return with his remaining trump
and cashes his winning spade.
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