Today we look at a 1 NT hand. We will see how declarer uses all the information that is available to make a brilliant choice for a play at the end of the hand.
Norm is the dealer and bids 1 diamond with this hand:
♠ J8
♥ T986
♦ AT74
♣ AK8
He has 12 points in high cards and can count one
distribution point for the second suit. He has no 5-card major, so he bids his
better minor suit.
Edie is sitting to Norm’s left and was surprised that Norm
opened the bidding. She holds:
♠ AK6
♥ A75
♦ KQJ85
♣ 64
Without Norm’s opening bid, she was trying to decide whether
to open 1NT or 1 diamond. She has the balanced distribution and the required
15-17 HCP to open 1NT, but she was worried about the worthless doubleton. One
diamond is a safer opening bid, and she could jump in diamonds at her next turn
to show her strength. Then, Norm goofed up her plan with his opening 1 diamond
bid. Now, bidding diamonds is out of the question. Her only alternative to
bidding 1NT is to pass. She decides to risk the club trouble and overcall 1NT.
Sally happily passes with this hand:
♠ Q954
♥ QJ3
♦ 9
♣ QT753
Had there not been the 1NT overcall, Sally would have a
demand bid with 6 points opposite her partner’s opening bid. She doesn’t have
the required 10 points to show her club suit, therefore she would have responded
with 1 spade. The overcall, however, relieves her of her obligation to keep the
bidding open for her partner. A free bid over the 15-17 points shown by Edie
would need to guarantee that her side had the balance of the strength in the
hand. She should probably pass any hand weaker than 10 points. She does.
Walt holds
♠ T732
♥ K42
♦ 632
♣ J92
With 8 or more points, Walt might look for a 4-4 spade fit
with the Stayman convention, but he has only 4 points. He passes.
Norm has just a minimum opening hand and no help from his
partner. He passes also.
Sally is on lead against 1NT. She wants to find the
strongest combined holding for her side. He first consideration is the suit
that her partner bid, but his 1 diamond opening might be based on a 3-card
suit, Sally holds only one card there, and the 1NT overcall should have the
opener’s suit stopped at least once, preferably twice. Sally needs to look
elsewhere for an opening lead.
♠ Q954
♥ QJ3
♦ 9
♣ QT753
The clubs are longer than the spades, however, Norm
indicated that his diamonds were better than his clubs. A spade lead is worth
considering, but Sally decides to go with clubs. Having just two honors at the
top of the suit, she leads her 4th highest—the 5.
Now, Edie pauses to make a plan for the hand before playing
to the first trick.
Dummy |
Declarer |
In no trump, Edie starts by counting how many tricks she can
take off the top. Well, with the club lead, that number is zero. She can use
the rule of 11 to reason that there are 6 cards outside of Sally’s hand that
are bigger than the 5 of clubs. Edie can see 3 of them, so Norm must have 3
clubs bigger than the 5. That’s good. It means that the opponents can run at most
5 tricks in clubs. Let’s suppose that happens and the 6th trick is
either a spade or a heart. Now, Edie can take 4 tricks in spades and hearts. She
will need to take 3 more tricks to make the contract. The diamonds look like a
good choice. Edie will need to force out the ace of diamonds, probably losing
one of her top honors in the process. Then, she will have two good honor cards
to cash. If the diamonds break 3-2, her two small diamonds will be set up, and
she’ll make an over trick. If they break 4-1, the 4 cards will certainly be in
the hand that opened 1 diamond. She might be able to win a trick with a deep
finesse. She might not have the luxury of just losing the 4th
diamond trick to set up the little one. If the opponents lead hearts at every
opportunity, Edie will be out of heart winners after losing the 4th
heart, and she will lose a bunch of hearts before she can cash her little
diamond. Still, it looks like she has a solid plan.
Edie decides to play a small club from dummy. Norm wins with
the ace, cashes the King of clubs and returns a small club. Edie discards a small heart. Sally takes with
the Queen and continues to cash her small clubs. Now Edie needs to be careful
with her discards. She needs to preserve two small diamonds in dummy in case
she needs to try a fancy finesse if there is a bad diamond break. She discards
a small heart from dummy. Norm plays a small heart and Edie finds herself in a
tight spot. She discards a spade, and plans to discard a small diamond on the
next club. There goes one chance for an extra trick in diamonds.
Sally leads her last club. Edie discards a spade. Norm plays
a heart, and Edie plays a diamond as planned.
Here is what is left for Edie before Sally leads. Edie hasn’t
taken any tricks, yet.
Dummy |
Declarer |
Sally continues with the Queen of hearts. Edie needs to
preserve the entry to the board, so she takes with the ace in her hand. Now,
she needs to force out the ace of diamonds. She leads the King. Sally follows
with her 9. Dummy plays small, and Norm takes the ace. He hopes that he can
eventually take the ten of diamonds after the Queen and Jack are played. He decides
to take out declarer’s only entry to the board by leading a heart.
The King wins on the board. Now, Edie leads a small diamond
from the board and Norm plays the 7. If the diamonds break 3-2, Edie can take
the Q and J of diamonds and cash the last diamond. However, if they break 4-1,
this play will set up the ten for the opponents. She could, instead, decide to
finesse the 8. That play works against a 4-1 break, but loses if Sally started
out with the T9 of diamonds. Edie knows that Norm started with at least 3
diamonds based on his opening bid. The only way that the finesse fails is if Norm
opened 1 diamond with the A74 of diamonds and the AK8 of clubs. Since Edie was
paying such careful attention to the cards that Norm had played and could
visualize the hand he started with, she bravely plays the 8 of diamonds on this
The 8 holds. Edie breathes a sigh of relief, and she cashes the rest of her tricks to make 1 NT.