Today, we’ll look at a small slam that is easy to bid and easy to make. Not every lesson needs to be hard.
Dealer: Edie
The Bidding
For this
lesson, the opponents’ hands don’t matter much, so I haven’t shown them. Edie
passes and Sally chooses to open the bidding. She has 11 HCP and can count 2
points for distribution—one for the 5th diamond and one for the
second suit. Walt passes. Norm has 19 HCP and balanced distribution. No trump
seems like a good place to land, but he doesn’t have an appropriate no trump
response. Remember that no trump bids generally show a specific point range. Point
ranges for trump responses to a one-of-a-minor opening are:
6-9 HCP
13-15 HCP
16-18 HCP
issue is that Norm should be thinking about slam. His partner should have at
least 13 points and he has 19. Just one more point makes the 33 points needed
for slam. Sally could easily pass the 3NT response with a minimum opener. The
solution is to make a jump shift. The jump shift by responder shows 19+ points,
is forcing to game, and strongly suggests that slam is possible. Norm bids 2H.
Edie passes.
Sally is
happy with hearts. She responds 3H. That bid doesn’t give any additional
information about the strength of her hand. It just shows a heart fit. Walt
Now, Norm has
a difficult decision to make. He is happy to have found a heart fit, but he
still likes no trump. The problem with no trump is that 3NT is likely to be
passed and 4NT is the Blackwood ace-asking convention. Norm needs to give up on
no trump. He needs to be happy with finding a heart fit.
Now, how
does Norm figure out if their side has enough strength for a small slam? How
about a grand slam? What about all the holes in his hand? Let’s consider the
last question first. Sure, it looks like his hand is only good for 5 tricks,
but Sally has to have her 13 points somewhere. That’s why you consider the
combined strength of the two hands when deciding where to place the contract.
There really isn’t any way to figure out if Sally has the 14 points needed to
add to Norm’s 19 to get to 33. He just needs to take a chance. There isn’t any way
for him to figure out if Sally has the 18 points needed to get to the 37 needed
for a grand slam either. Norm is going to need to leave that up to Sally.
What about
Blackwood? Well, there is no information to be gained from asking for aces.
Norm has them all. He could bid 4NT, knowing what Sally’s answer will be, and
then bid 5NT to see if she has the missing 3 kings. What does he do if she
answers with 2 kings? It’s hard to say. Norm just skips all the rigmarole and
bids a small slam.
The bidding
isn’t over, yet. Sally knows that Norm has at least 19 points. If she happens
to have 18 or more points, she can raise the 6H to 7H on her own. She knows
that Norm hasn’t learned about her extra strength yet, and his first jump-shift
bit has told her that the team has enough strength for grand slam.
The Play
Edie is on
lead and starts with a small club. Norm starts by counting his losers. He can
only afford to lose one trick.
shouldn’t be any trump losers unless the missing 5 trumps break 5-0. Norm might
lose the K of spades. He shouldn’t lose any diamonds, but clubs might be an
issue. He could try to ruff two clubs in dummy, but he will need dummy’s high hearts
to pull trump. A better plan is to discard the club losers on dummy’s small
diamonds after that suit is established. That will work if the 5 outstanding diamonds
break 3-2. If all else fails, there is a spade finesse for the king. So, there
are multiple ways to make the hand.
Plan A: Pull
trumps. If they break 5-0, Norm will lose a trump trick. If that’s the case, he’ll
need the favorable diamond split and the spade finesse. Knowing which hand
holds the trumps, might open up some fancier plays, but we won’t get into
Plan B: Pull
trumps. They break 4-1. Now, Norm needs only the favorable diamond break OR the
spade finesse. He can try the diamonds first by leading the A and K. If they
break 4-1, he leads to the diamond Q and tries the spade finesse.
Plan C: Pull
trumps. They break 3-2. That’s the easiest way. After pulling trumps, each hand
has a little trump left. If the diamonds break 4-1, Norm can ruff the 4th
diamond in his hand and return to the board by ruffing a club. Then, he can
cash the 5th diamond to discard his losing club.
Let’s play
through one of those scenarios. Norm starts by taking the A of clubs and cashes
the A of hearts. Both players follow. He leads a small heart to the K on the board.
Walt follows and Edie shows out. Norm is on the board with this holding:
Norm is
going to need the QJ of hearts to pull Walt’s trumps. There is still a spade to
lose. If Norm finishes pulling trumps before knocking out the K of spades, he
can lose a club—having no more trumps in his hand. Therefore, he needs to switch
gears and work on the spades.
He tries a
finesse. The finesse doesn’t need to work, but it doesn’t hurt to try. Norm leads
the spade Q from dummy. Edie follows small. Norm ducks in his hand and Walt
takes the K. Now, Walt leads the K of clubs. Darn! Norm can’t afford to use one
of the high trumps to win this trick, and he can’t afford to lose the trick
either. He’s sunk.
Let’s back
up. Suppose on trick 2, Norm leads a small trump to the KQJ on the board. He
takes the K and leads the Q. Edie shows out. Now, Norm is in almost the same position,
but he still has a small trump on the board that he can ruff a club return
Now, Norm
tries the spade finesse that loses. Walt returns the K of clubs, but Norm can
ruff with the 7 of hearts. Walt still holds 2 trumps. Norm is on the board and
cannot afford to lose any more tricks. Once trumps are pulled, he has two spade
winners and can run the diamonds as long as they split 3-2. He leads the J of
hearts and the 6 of spades to the A. As long as Walt didn’t start with 4 trumps
and the singleton K of spades, Norm will win this trick with the A and can pull
Walt’s last trump. Then, it is a simple matter of running the diamonds. This
play works with an unfortunate 4-1 trump break and a losing spade finesse, as
long as the diamonds break 3-2. Those are pretty good odds.