Today, we’ll look at the bidding and play of an entire hand.
♠ Q98
♥ Q983
♦ KJ64
♣ 62
♠ 542
♥ J6542
♦ T2
♣ J98
Dealer: West
♠ KJ73
♥ A
♦ 9853
♣ AQ73
♠ AT6
♥ KT7
♦ AQ7
♣ KT54
The Bidding
Walt and Norm pass.
Edie has 14 HCP plus one distribution point for the second
suit. She has a demand opening. She doesn’t have a 5-card suit and her hand
doesn’t qualify for a no trump opener, so she needs to bid her better minor
suit. If the diamonds were stronger, opening 1 diamond would be a good choice.
If Edie later needed to bid the clubs, bidding the diamonds first would give
her partner a choice of those suits at the two level. As it stands, the
diamonds will probably never be mentioned. Opening 1 club is a better choice
Sally was planning to open 1NT, and was surprised to hear Edie
open the bidding. A 1NT overcall shows the same sort of hand as a 1NT opening
with the provision that there is extra strength in the suit that was bid. Sally’s
clubs should be strong enough to stop the clubs once or twice. She goes ahead
with the 1NT overcall.
Walt wasn’t planning on bidding even if Sally passed.
Norm has 8 HCP. He adds that to Sally’s 15-17 and decides
that they might have enough strength for game if Sally has a maximum 1NT hand.
It will be a bit of a stretch in NT, but should be easier in hearts if Sally
has 4 of them. With no intervening bid after the 1NT call, the Stayman
convention is still on. Norm bids 2C, asking Sally if she has a 4-card major.
Edie is not interested in bidding further, given the
enthusiasm of the opponents. She passes.
Sally’s responses to Stayman are automatic. She doesn’t have
a 4-card major, so she bids 2D to show that.
Walt passes.
Now, Norm needs to take his team back to no trump. He
doesn’t know if there is enough strength for game, so he invites with 2NT.
Edie passes.
If Sally had 17 HCP, she would bid 3NT without hesitation.
With 15, she would pass without hesitation. With 16, she needs to make a
judgement call. Her strength is mostly in aces and kings, and she sits behind
the strength in the opposing hands. She decides to go to game by bidding 3NT.
Everyone passes.
The Play
♠ 542
♥ J6542
♦ T2
♣ J98
Walt is on lead. Against a no trump contract, he wants to
figure out which suit is longest in the combined holdings of his partner and
him. He first considers clubs, because his partner bid them. He knows that his
partner might have opened a 3-card club suit, so he isn’t too excited about
clubs. He doesn’t rule them out, though.
Next, he considers his heart suit. From the Stayman
sequence, he knows that the opponents hold, at most, 4 and 3 cards in hearts. A
heart lead looks better. He leads his 4th highest heart.
♠ Q98
♥ Q983
♦ KJ64
♣ 62
♠ AT6
♥ KT7
♦ AQ7
♣ KT54
Now, Sally makes a plan to take 9 tricks to make her
contract. She starts by counting how many tricks she can take off the top.
She’ll be able to take 4 diamonds and 1 spade. She needs a plan to take 4 more.
She starts by thinking about the heart suit. Walt’s lead looks like a 4th
highest. She uses the rule of 11 and finds that there are 7 cards higher than
the 4 outside of Walt’s hand. She holds 6 of them. With this knowledge she
should be able to take at least 2 heart tricks, maybe 3.
Next, she considers the point count from the bidding. Her
side holds 24 HCP, and Edie should have 13 points for her opening bid. Some of
those points could have come from distribution, but still, there isn’t much
strength left for Walt. That helps to mark some finesses. She should be able to
take a trick with the king of clubs using a finesse, and she might be able to
take an extra trick in spades by finessing twice.
That sounds like a plan. Sally will need to be careful to
preserve entries to the board to make these finesses.
Sally plays a small heart from the board, and to her
delight, Edie plays the ace. Now Sally has two sure tricks in hearts with the K
and Q. Not only that, the rule of 11 tells her that Walt holds the J. She
should be able to take 3 heart tricks.
♠ Q98
♥ Q98
♦ KJ64
♣ 62
♠ 542
♥ J652
♦ T2
♣ J98
♠ KJ73
♦ 9853
♣ AQ73
♠ AT6
♥ KT
♦ AQ7
♣ KT54
Edie is on lead. Edie can make the same calculation about
the points and doesn’t expect Walt to have much strength. Therefore, a club
lead or a spade lead will probably help declarer. A diamond probably won’t do
any damage. Declarer probably has those all sewn up without any help from the
defense. Edie chooses to lead the 9 of diamonds, a top-of-nothing lead.
Sally recalculates the tricks she can take off the top.
There are 4 diamonds, 2 hearts, and 1 spade. She needs 2 more. She is confident
in the club finesse and expects Walt to hold the J of hearts. She decides to
start with the hearts. She wants to be in her hand, so she takes Edie’s diamond
lead with the A.
♠ Q98
♥ Q98
♦ KJ6
♣ 62
♠ 542
♥ J652
♦ T
♣ J98
♠ KJ73
♦ 853
♣ AQ73
♠ AT6
♥ KT
♦ Q7
♣ KT54
Sally starts her plan for the heart finesse by cashing the
king. Edie discards a small diamond. That removes all doubt about the heart
finesse. Sally leads the 10 and Walt decides to duck, giving Sally a chance to
make a mistake with the Q. No such luck. Sally ducks on the board. Edie
discards another diamond.
♠ Q98
♥ Q
♦ KJ6
♣ 62
♠ 542
♥ J6
♦ T
♣ J98
♠ AT6
♦ Q7
♣ KT54
Now, the only task left is the club finesse. She wants to
make sure that she has transportation to cash all her winners, so she starts by
cashing the Q of diamonds. Then, she leads a small diamond to the K. Worried
that this will be her last visit to the board, she cashes her winning heart and
diamonds. Edie is starting to get squeezed for her discards, but it doesn’t
Finally, Sally leads a small club from the board. Edie plays
“second hand low” with the 7. Sally plays the K and that holds the trick. She
cashes the A of spades to make her contract. She leads a small spade, playing
the Q from dummy and West takes the remainder of the tricks. Contract made.