How to Play a Finesse
A finesse is
a technique for taking an extra trick when you are missing an honor card.
Consider this trump holding:
North |
♠ 543 |
South |
♠ AQJT9 |
If you just
lead the ace, you will eventually lose a trick to the king unless an opponent holds
a singleton king. That’s not too likely. You can increase your chances of
taking all the trump tricks by playing a finesse. You start by leading a small
spade from North. If East holds the king and plays it now, you take with the
ace--mission accomplished. If East plays low, you play the queen. If East holds
the king, your queen will win the trick. As long as you have enough entries to
the North hand, you can repeat the finesse, playing the jack, ten, and nine if
East continues to duck. If West holds the king, your finesse won’t work. Oh
well, there are no guarantees, but you have increased your chances of winning
all the trump tricks to 50%. That’s better than just leading the ace and hoping
an opponent holds the singleton king.
finesses are not as neat and clean as this one. Even if you held a weaker holding
like this one, you can win two tricks if East holds the king by playing a finesse.
North |
♥ 83 |
South |
♥ AQ5 |
As before,
start by leading a small card from the North hand. If East plays the king, you
cover with the ace and your queen is good. If East ducks, you play the queen
and hope that West doesn’t hold the king. If he doesn’t, your queen wins the
trick, and you will win a trick with the ace. You might still lose a trick to
the king later, but you will make 2 tricks from this holding 50% of the time.
Sometimes, you
don’t need to worry about entries. If we move the cards around a bit from the
first example, we have this holding
North |
♠ A43 |
South |
♠ QJT95 |
Now, South
can lead the queen. If West covers, she takes the ace and the rest of the
spades are good. If West holds the king but ducks the queen lead, declarer
plays small from the North hand and the queen takes the trick. South is still
on lead, and can continue leading the jack to repeat the finesse.
Now, let’s
look at a way NOT to finesse. Consider the heart holding from before, but put
the ace in the North hand.
North |
♥ A3 |
South |
♥ Q85 |
beginners who have learned a little bit about finessing will lead the queen
from South, hoping to trap the king if West holds it. OK, let’s give West the king.
South leads the queen. West covers with the king. Declarer takes the ace.
Success? Not really. You have only taken one trick with your queen and ace. You
could have done that by just playing the ace. Now, you have set up the JT9 in
the opponents’ hands. This play is sometimes referred to as the “nothing
finesse,” because that is what is accomplished.
Instead, the
way to try to get two tricks out of this holding is to lead a small card to the
ace. You’ll pick up the singleton king in the rare cases that that happens.
When it doesn’t, you have an additional 50% chance to take a second trick by
leading a small card from North. If East holds the king, he can take it now,
or duck. Either way, your queen will take a trick. If West holds the king, you
are out of luck.
Here is
another situation that comes up often. You hold these cards:
North |
♦ AJT4 |
South |
♦ 852 |
You are hoping to make 2 tricks. Here, you
lead a small card from South. If West plays the king or queen, you take with
the ace. You can force out the queen by playing the jack, and then take the
ten. If West plays small, you play the jack. If the jack holds up, you can
expect that West holds both the queen and king. If you can get back to the
South hand, you can repeat the finesse. You will make 3 tricks from this
It is more
likely that the missing honors are split between the two opposing hands. Now,
if West ducks the first lead, East will take the jack with his king or queen.
When you get back on lead in the South hand, you repeat the finesse, leading
toward the ten. If West holds the missing honor, you will cover if he plays it,
and you will play the ten if he ducks. You will make at least 2 tricks except
for when East holds both of the missing honors. That is better than a 50%
Let’s look
at one more example. You hold these cards:
North |
♣ K962 |
South |
♣ Q43 |
You would
like to take a trick with the king and the queen. You start by guessing who
holds the ace. Maybe you have a clue from the bidding. Let’s say that West
opened the bidding and her partner passed. She is more likely to hold an ace.
You lead a small card from South, West ducks, and you play the king from the North
hand. It wins. So far, so good. Now, you lead a small card from North and East
ducks. Many beginners would play the queen here, but you know that isn’t going
to work. You’ve already figured out that West has the ace. Instead, you play
another low card from South, hoping that West started with the doubleton ace.
Maybe that isn’t too likely, but playing the queen surely isn’t going to get
you a second trick. This play is known as the “obligatory finesse.” It is called
that because you are obligated to play a small card from the South hand on the
second trick.
If you can
figure out a way to do it, it would be better to get West to lead the clubs for
you. Then, she can either take her ace and set up your queen, or lead small,
and you take your queen that way. It is more likely that you will not be able
to get her to be so cooperative.