Remember that when we make suit bids, our objective is to find an 8-card trump suit between our hand and our partner's hand. To accomplish that objective, we need to know how many cards in a suit a bid shows--both for our partner's bids and our bids. Let's start with opening bids.
Thursday, December 24, 2020
How Many Cards do I Need in that Suit?
Monday, December 7, 2020
The Objective of the Bidding
When people begin to play bridge they often have pages of notes about what to bid with what holding. At every turn, they refer to their notes, and come up with a bid. Have you ever asked yourself, "Why do I need 13 points to open?" "Why do I only need 6 points to respond?"
Let's stop and think about what we are trying to accomplish with the bidding. Some of you might say, "to let my partner know what my hand is like." Well, that is true, but why does your partner want to know? The purpose of the bidding is, first of all, to decide whether your side should be playing as declarer or as defenders. If you and your partner decide that you should be playing the contract, you need to figure out where you have a good trump fit, or if you are better off playing in no trump. Finally, you need to figure out if you should stop in a part score, bid game, or bid slam. Let's examine these questions.
Should we take the contract?
Finding a trump fit
Part Score, Game, or Slam?
Thursday, December 3, 2020
No Trump Structure
A bidding system has a certain structure to its no trump bids. It is important not to stray from this structure. Because these bids give your partner such a clear picture of your hand he will often know where the team belongs based on your one bid.
Opening the Bidding with a No Trump Hand
An opening no trump bid requires a specific distribution in the suits and a specific high card point range. Don't fudge these requirements--even by one point or one card. Your partner is counting on you to have this specific hand.
First of all, there is distribution. A no trump opening bid needs to have suits distributed as 4-3-3-3, 4-4-3-2, or 5-3-3-2. Perhaps an easier way to remember these distributions is that you can have at, most, one doubleton and no singleton or void.
Second, there are high card points. These HCPs fit into nice 2 and 3 point ranges:
The first two are 3 point ranges
- 12-14 HCP: Open with 1 of a suit and rebid NT at the minimum level.
- 15-17 HCP: Open 1NT
The next two ranges are 2 point ranges.
- 18-19 HCP: Open 1 of a suit and jump in NT at your next turn
- 20-21 HCP: Open 2NT
In SAYC, they go back to 3 point ranges. I've played them a little differently, but let's stick with SAYC.
- 22-24 HCP: Open 2C and rebid NT at the minimum level
- 25-27 HCP: Open 3NT
- 28+: Should you ever see this in your lifetime, open 2C and see what happens from there.
It is OK to forget that last one. You aren't likely to need it.
Players often ask if they should open in no trump if they hold a 5-card major. Today, I'll just give the short answer: yes. Opening one spade with 5-3-3-2 distribution and 16 points puts you in a difficult rebid situation at your next turn. You'll need to lie about the length of your suit, or the strength of your hand. I'll cover that situation in detail in a later post.
Responding to a No Trump Opener
Once your partner has described her hand so well with a NT bid, you can add your points to hers to decide if you should be in
- a part score (<26 points combined)
- a game (26+ points combined)
- a small slam (33+ points)
- a grand slam (37+ points).
Here is how to remember some of those point ranges:
- Strength for a game is two opening hands.
- For a small slam, 33 HCP means that you cannot be missing 2 aces. There are 40 HCP in the deck. Missing two aces would subtract 8 points, leaving your side with 32. Therefore, 33 HCP guarantees that your side is not missing two aces.
- For a grand slam 37 HCP means that you cannot be missing any aces.
Responding in No Trump
- With 8 or fewer points, you know your side has at most 25 points (17+8). That's not enough for game. Pass.
- With 11 points, you know your side has at least 26 points (15+11). That is enough for game. Bid 3NT.
- In between, with 9 or 10 points, your side might have enough for game, but you can't be sure. Invite game by bidding 2NT. Partner will take you to game with 17 and pass with 15. With 16 she has a judgement call.
Jacoby Transfers
Your partner's opening no trump bid means that she probably has at least 3 cards in your best suit. If your best suit has 5 cards, you can expect to have an 8-card trump suit. That's why you bid a Jacoby transfer with a 5 card suit. You expect your partner to have 3 card support and she automatically bids the transfer suit. You may have been unfortunate and found her with a doubleton in your suit. If you are going to bid again, you need 6 cards to bid your suit. Otherwise you bid NT, giving her the chance to stay in no trump with a doubleton, or take you back to your suit if she has 3 or more. Here's an example:
Partner opens 1NT (15-17 HCP)
You have 11 HCP and a 5 card spade suit. You expect your partner to have at least 3 spades, so you expect to have an adequate trump suit. You know your team has enough strength for game.
You bid 2H. Partner bids 2S without thinking it over. That's the transfer part.
Now, you want to show your partner that you have enough strength for game, but want to give her the chance to stay in no trump if you happened to catch her with a doubleton spade. Bid 3NT.
Partner will pass with a doubleton spade and bid 4S with 3 or more.
If you held 6 cards in spades, you would bid 4S at your second turn. Partner will pass without thinking, because she has described her hand so well with her opening bid putting you in control.
Suppose you had only 9 or 10 points. Now, you don't know if your side has enough strength for game. The transfer works the same way. You bid 2H. Partner automatically bids 2S. Now, you invite game by bidding 2NT with a 5 card suit. Partner will end the bidding in a part score with 15 points, and take you to game with 17. With 16, she makes a judgement call. Let's say she has 15. If she has 3 spades, she will take you back to spades by bidding 3S. If she has only 2 spades, she leaves it at 2NT. If she has 17 points, she bids game--either 3NT with a doubleton spade or 4S with 3 or more.
Going back to your second bid, if you had a 6 card spade suit, you would bid 3S at your second turn to invite game. Partner will pass with 15 points and bit 4S with 17.
One more example. Partner opens 1NT. You have a very weak hand with a 5+ card spade suit. You bid 2H as a Jacoby transfer. Partner makes her automatic bid of 2S. You pass. That's an easy way to keep the bidding low when you just prefer to play in a suit rather than pass 1NT.
Should you have a medium to strong hand, but have only a 4 card major suit (or maybe both of them), you bid 2C as the Stayman convention. I'll expand on that another time.
What if the opponents interfere?
Interference from the other opponent
Bidding Fast, Then Slow
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In today's post, we are going to look at how to plan the play as declarer in a no trump contract. Let's start with this samp...
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