Today’s hand is practically a laydown for 7NT. The problem
is finding it. We’ll start by assuming Norm and Sally found their grand slam
and plan the play of the hand.
♠ KT
♥ T
♦ AKJ52
♣ AQ765
♠ JT976
♥ 982
♦ T984
♣ 3
♠ Q83
♥ J7643
♦ 76
♣ J82
♠ A42
♥ AKQ5
♦ Q3
♣ KT94
It doesn’t matter what suit is led. Sally counts how many
tricks she can take off the top. She has 2 tricks in spades, 3 in hearts, 4 in
diamonds, and 3 in clubs. That’s 12 tricks, no matter what. If the diamonds
break no worse than 4-2, she will set up her 5th diamond. If they
don’t she can make her extra trick in clubs. If they break no worse than 3-1,
she can take all the clubs. If they break 4-0, she can finesse for the J in
either direction, and she will know who holds it after cashing the ace. Wow!
That was easy. Now, how do they bid it?
Walt was the dealer and passed. Walt and Edie have next to
nothing and pass at every turn.
Norm has 17 points in high cards and can count 1 point in
distribution for the 5th card in whichever 5-card suit he chooses
plus 2 more for the strong second suit. That’s 20 points, total. It’s not
enough for a strong 2 club opener, and his distribution is not appropriate for
a no trump opener. He opens the higher-ranking of his two 5-card suits—1
Sally counts 18 points in high cards. She might add 1
distribution point later for the doubleton diamond, but for now, that is her
partner’s first suit. No matter. She is going to bid her 4-card heart suit and
she isn’t strong enough for a jump shift. She knows that her side has enough
for game. She doesn’t need to worry that her partner will pass. She is the
responder and a new suit is forcing for one round. She bids 1 heart.
Now, Norm does have enough for a jump shift. A jump shift by
opener shows 20+ points. He bids 3 clubs.
Now, Sally adds her 1 distribution point for the doubleton
diamond, because she has support for her partner’s clubs. Her 19 points plus
her partner’s 20+ adds up to almost all the points in the deck. She has grand
slam in mind. She could just bid 7 clubs and be done with it. Instead, she
gathers some more information. She wants to make sure that they aren’t missing any
aces. They shouldn’t be because of the point count, but maybe Norm counted some
distribution points. Asking for aces certainly won’t do any harm. She bids 4NT.
Norm makes his Blackwood response of 5 hearts.
That response was no surprise to Sally. Now, she starts
wondering about no trump. If Norm has the two missing kings, 7NT seems likely.
She bids 5NT and Norm shows the two missing kings by bidding 6 hearts.
Norm’s Blackwood responses account for 14 HCP, and he said
he had 20+ total points. Those other 6 points have to fit somewhere. 7NT looks
good. Sally bids it.
What could go wrong in the bidding?
I said the bidding was hard. In the sequence I described, it
wasn’t hard at all. Here’s one thing that could go wrong. Suppose that after hearing
his partner bid hearts, Norm decides to subtract a distribution point or two. He
might re-evaluated his hand as 18 points. That’s not enough for a jump shift.
He simply rebids 2 clubs.
Now, Sally is in a tough spot. Her 19 points has her
thinking about small slam, but even that might not be there. It is probably
enough to ask for aces and bid 6 clubs if Norm shows 1 or 2 aces, but Norm’s
hand could be as strong as 19 points with his bidding. She hasn’t said much
about her strength either. Her 1 heart response could have been based on a
6-point hand. She’d like to make a forcing bid that shows her strength, but
what would that be? A jump raise in clubs only promises 13 points. At least it
is forcing to game. She could jump to 3NT, but that only promises enough for
game, and her partner could easily pass.
You see? That’s a tough choice.
Let’s say she chooses to ask for aces. She still doesn’t
know that her partner has anything more than a minimum opener. She bids 4NT,
her partner shows 2 aces by bidding 5 hearts. That’s good enough to bid 6
clubs. Asking for kings is too risky. If her partner has just 1 king, he will
bid 6 diamonds, committing them to 7 clubs. It might work, but if Norm had just
a minimum opening hand of 13 points, they are likely in trouble.
What actually happened
When I played this hand, I was holding Sally’s hand. My
partner opened with 1 club. That’s a mistake. He should open the higher ranking
of two 5-card suits. Perhaps he wanted to show his strength with a reverse. As
I mentioned in the post on reverses, they are usually not planned in advance.
I responded with 1 heart, and my partner did reverse
by bidding 2 diamonds. At this point, I expect him to have 5 clubs and 4
diamonds and 16+ points. His 16 points plus my 18 or 19 points should have me
thinking about slam in clubs, but my hand looks like NT will play well. I chose
to jump to 3NT to show an opening hand. Now, my partner re-evaluates his hand
for NT and subtracts his distribution points. Having just 17 HCP opposite 13
points, he decides to skip any slam exploration and passes.
What’s the Moral of the Story?
Try to bid so that your partner knows your strength to a narrow
range whenever it is practical. Sometimes it is not practical. You might need
to give your partner the opportunity to narrow the strength of his hand. Some
hands are just hard to bid.
Let's take a look at what the players know about their partner's range at each bid.
Norm opens with 1 diamond
Sally knows that Norm has at least 13 points, but could be as strong as 23 or so. If Norm were stronger than that range, he would open 2 clubs.
That's a big range, but there is plenty of time to learn more.
Sally responds with 1 heart
Norm knows that Sally has at least 6 points, but could be as strong as 18 or so. If Sally were stronger, she would make a jump shift to 2 hearts.
That's a big range, but there is plenty of time to learn more.
Scenario 1: Norm rebids 3 clubs
Norm has made a jump shift, showing at least 20 points. Now his range is narrowed to 20-23 or so. Sally is in charge of deciding whether to stop at game or explore slam.
Scenario 2: Norm rebids 2 clubs
Norm decided not to make a jump shift. Now, Sally can narrow his range to 13-19 points. She knows a bit more about Norm's hand, but it is difficult for her to decide where to go with her 18 points. It is also difficult for her to limit her own hand.
Scenario 3: Norm opens 1 club and rebids 2 diamonds
Norm has reversed. That shows at least 16 points. He didn't make a jump shift, so his point range is going to be 16-19. That's a reasonably small range. Sally is in charge of deciding whether to stop at game or explore slam. Sally expects that Norm's clubs are longer than his diamonds since he bid them first.